Friday, October 28, 2011

Birthday 2011!!!

So you may have seen that I haven't written since JANUARY--this is a problem that I definitely plan to correct in 5772/2012. This year, I wanted to get back in touch with my heart, both socially and politically, and I feel like I've done a pretty good job.

So SOME of you know that it's my birthday weekend, not that other thing :P :) :) --if you want to grab a birthday drink with me, come to the Conor Byrne on Sunday night for the open mic (5140 Ballard Ave NW); there are other plans for pie and ice cream late Monday night, contact me for details!!!

Also--for those of you who keep asking about my birthday wish list, here it is, from most expensive to least expensive (but all equally desired!):
  • iPhone 4 (could be used, refurb, whatever, just don't buy a new one!)
  • A bike (also used, of course; prefer city/hybrid tires, ≥26", 18 speed, geared for Seattle :P)
  • Shoes (I need a pair of hiking boots and a pair of running shoes)
  • A UW Alum license plate holder (rear only, George doesn't have a front plate)
  • Crazy, Stupid Love DVD (there may be others, you'd have to ask)
  • A Jackson Browne CD (there may be others, you'd have to ask)
  • An Oreo cream pie (yes, I know, it's a repeat :)
  • World peace, or at least for you to show up to Occupy Seattle :)
That's pretty much it! Check back soon for future blog posts.